Sucola – KIBI (2024)

Duo asal Jepang, Sucola merilis sebuah EP terbaru bertajuk KIBI, sebuah EP yang kuat dengan alunan musik pop. Melalui EP ini, baik Okitsu maupun Yopeco, sebagai sebuah duo, mereka kembali menunjukan kepiawaian mereka yang luar biasa keren dalam menciptakan dan menggarap sebuah tembang. Menurut saya, kombinasi antara Okitsu dan Yopeco adalah sebuah perpaduan yang sempurna. Khususnya di dalam EP ini.

Sucola – KIBI (2024)

Menurut saya, KIBI (2024) telah sukses dalam mengungkapkan sebuah duo yang telah menemukan pijakannya, menemukan suara-suara khasnya, dan terus melangkah maju ke depan. Singkatnya, kualitas dari setiap tembang yang ada di dalam KIBI (2024) ini menjadi inti pesona dari EP ini.

Silahkan dengarkan dan nikmati semua tembang yang ada di dalam KIBI (2024). Seperti biasa, tautannya sudah saya sediakan tepat di bawah kalimat ini.

Bagi saya Sucola is the best duo, tembang-tembang yang mereka ciptakan begitu pure dan true. It’s so beautiful and super-duper cool. Dan tentu saja, menurut saya “Remedy” adalah one of the best pop song yang pernah saya dengar di Asia.

Sucola – Remedy

Lagi dan lagi, buat saya pribadi Sucola itu one of the best duo. Jika dijelaskan secara singkat, tembang-tembang yang telah Sucola ciptakan itu seperti selalu berisikan any kind of good vibes gitu.

Dan menurut saya, EP terbaru Sucola, KIBI, terbilang menjadi EP penting di lingkup perjalanan musik Pop Jepang di era modern seperti hari ini.

Jujur, saya pribadi sungguh merasa tidak sabar untuk menantikan apa tema besar yang akan Sucola bawa ketika mereka merilis sebuah album penuh di masa yang akan datang.

Baiklah, tidak perlu berlama-lama lagi, mari simak selengkapnya perbincangan antara saya dan Sucola berikut ini.

Fikri Dio Aisy: Hai! Pertama-tama, terima kasih karena telah meluangkan waktu kalian untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini. Bagaimana kabar kalian?

Sucola: Sucola: Thank you for the other day! I’m doing well!

Fikri Dio Aisy: Ceritakan sedikit tentang rilisan terbaru kalian, KIBI (2024).

Okitsu: I realized that the purpose of creating and singing songs for me is to leave behind the subtle emotions that can be explained through the music. With this realization, I decided on this title. Additionally, after the China tour last year, I packed this EP with songs that would serve as a guide for Sucola’s future direction, fueled by the energy received from many fans.

Yopeco: After the China tour, the music has become more conscious of the world. I feel like I’ve recently become clearer about what I want to do, and I’ve acquired the skills to make it happen (although there’s still a long way to go). This EP is packed with everything I can do right now.

Fikri Dio Aisy: Dapatkah kalian membedah simbolisme, estetika visual, dan cerita dibalik cover art KIBI (2024), dan bagaimana cover art ini merangkum esensi dari EP ini?

Sucola: The cover art for this release is inspired by PC screens such as Windows and Mac.

Sucola – KIBI (2024) cover art.

Sucola: It features a sky background reminiscent of the default screen and titles that resemble folder names. As musicians who produce music using DTM and distribute songs through subscription services, we have a desire to reach more people around the world through the internet, and this is reflected in the design.

Fikri Dio Aisy: Kalian adalah dua orang yang berbeda dengan kepribadian dan selera musik yang berbeda. Bagaimana perbedaan ini digabungkan untuk menciptakan komponen musik dari lagu-lagu?

Yopeco: Having different music tastes is a big plus for the group, and while there’s certainly a need to compromise, fundamentally, I think sucola’s music is about each of us doing what we love, and that sparks a chemical reaction.

Yopeco: Okitsu, for instance, is influenced by catchy melodies, likely stemming from his familiarity with easily accessible J-pop tunes often heard on TV, as well as his love for Showa-era songs.

Fikri Dio Aisy: Dapatkah anda menceritakan sedikit tentang proses penulisan lirik untuk sebuah tembang? Bagaimana anda menyeimbangkan antara penceritaan personal dan membuatnya dapat dipahami secara universal?

Okitsu: The process of crafting lyrics for a song is a delicate balance between personal storytelling and creating content that resonates universally, and I believe it’s a crucial aspect of songwriting.

Okitsu: Depending on the song, there may be a greater emphasis on personal storytelling, and in the early stages, there might have been parts of the lyrics where the details didn’t fully come across.

Okitsu: Generally, I draw inspiration from personal experiences when writing lyrics. However, more recently, I’ve been consciously focusing on themes that can evoke empathy and connection, even if they aren’t the most conventional or widely relatable lyrics.

Okitsu: The title “機微 (Kibi)” in this context specifically refers to exploring the delicate nuances of each individual’s emotions, making it a piece that delves into the intricacies of the human heart.

Fikri Dio Aisy: Apa baris lirik terbaik yang pernah anda tulis dan mengapa?

Okitsu: I really like the lyrics of this EP.

Okitsu: Especially in the song “Kibi”, I aimed to create uniqueness with words like “native language” and “izakaya”, which are easy to sing and listen to, but not commonly used in other artists’ songs.

Sucola – Kibi

Fikri Dio Aisy: Dapatkah kalian memberi saya komentar lagu demi lagu pada rilisan terbaru kalian? Apa yang menginspirasi setiap tembang dan apa yang menjadi tema yang kalian usung?

Sucola: Remedy.

Sucola – Remedy

Okitsu: “Remedy” is a work that sings about how music is a form of treatment and salvation for me.

Okitsu: Singing is salvation, and living is playing a melody.

Okitsu: This EP carries the message that I hope listeners will find their own healing of the heart.

Yopeco: This song starts with the sound of a car door opening and the engine starting, and ends with the sound of the car driving away.

Yopeco: I arranged it so that after listening to the song, you feel like you’ve watched a movie.

Yopeco: In my image, it’s like driving an old model Benz through Europe.

Yopeco: It’s a track that features a rare guitar solo at the end for Sucola, so please pay attention to that.

Sucola: Kibi.

Sucola – Kibi

Okitsu: The lyrics for this song were inspired by personal episodes. “Even if there’s no time for us to intersect anymore, you and I are both attractive as people (sometimes even our flaws).” This song carries the message of cherishing the time we don’t know about each other as well.

Yopeco: When Okitsu played the initial melody for me, I was convinced that this song would be Sucola’s big hit. We carefully nurtured it over a long period of time. Regarding the sound, the two keywords were “depth” and “high humidity.” I believe we created the best sound we’ve ever made with these elements!

Sucola: Ittantokotsuku

Sucola – Ittantokotsuku

Okitsu: This song was inspired by Denki Groove’s (Japanese duo) “SMOKY BUBBLES.” It’s about depression waking up at night, a loop of thoughts from an unsleeping brain. I love every part of it. I hope it becomes a lullaby for everyone.

Yopeco: I wanted to use an 808-style bass. That idea led to the creation of this song. It has the biggest bass in this EP, with Okitsu’s whispering voice fitting perfectly into the enveloping soundscape. It’s a niche track that might not be suitable for a single, but it will resonate with those who get it!

Sucola: Nakanai Déjà Vu.

Sucola – Nakanaidejavu

Okitsu: I had the phrase “Nakanai(don’t cry) Déjà Vu” in my notes for a long time. It’s a phrase to encourage myself during tough times, reminding me that I promised not to cry, and it’s also a déjà vu of falling down and getting back up repeatedly with the same feelings.

Yopeco: Okitsu requested a song that sounds like the early 2000s, so I created this song. I used the synth sounds that were popular at that time, and I think I managed to capture the atmosphere. It’s a four-on-the-floor track that people can dance to, so I want to perform it live!

Sucola: Sukizuki.

Sucola – Sukizuki

Okitsu: It was the first song I made after the China tour, so I included the sound of an airplane! It’s a Sucola song that turns depression into something pop. It’s a support song for people who don’t let go of what they love, even in a new environment!

Yopeco: It’s a minimal and pop song that feels like bedroom music. It lightly and refreshingly wraps up the EP. My favorite part is where the airplane takeoff sound plays right before the chorus with the word “resistance.” I think I brilliantly captured the feeling of heading into the chorus!

Fikri Dio Aisy: Berbicara mengenai pengalaman kalian di studio, apakah kalian mencari suara tertentu?

Sucola: I have almost no experience recording in a studio. I always do all the processes, including mastering, at home.

Fikri Dio Aisy: Apakah ide-ide kreatif muncul di kepala kalian dan kemudian kalian mencoba menangkapnya, atau apakah kalian sit down untuk membuat dan memanggil mereka?

Sucola: There are both patterns. When the sound is largely complete, I sit down and create ideas that fit that sound. When the song is inspired by the lyrics, the idea comes to mind first.

Fikri Dio Aisy: Di luar perilisan EP, what’s on the horizon for Sucola? Adakah sebuah tur, kolaborasi, atau proyek baru yang ingin kalian lakukan?

Sucola: There will be a live performance in Tokyo on August 26th. We plan to release an EP with a different style later this year.

Fikri Dio Aisy: Tentang musik kalian, feedback terbaik yang pernah kalian dapatkan? Dan apa yang kalian sukai?

Sucola: We appreciate all the feedback we have received for our songs. When we sent this latest work to Dreane via Instagram DM, they actually listened to it! That made us very happy.

Fikri Dio Aisy: Bagaimana kalian memutuskan tema apa yang akan dieksplorasi dalam musik kalian, dan apakah ada topik yang belum kalian bahas yang ingin kalian bahas dalam rilisan mendatang?

Sucola: As a theme in our lyrics, we actually haven’t written much about love and relationships. Additionally, we want more people to listen to our music, so we’re considering writing some lyrics in English. In terms of sound, we are experimenting with genres we haven’t delved into before for our next EP. We’re incorporating elements of techno and house into our new tracks.

Fikri Dio Aisy: Dapatkah kalian menceritakan salah satu momen di atas panggung yang paling berkesan?

Sucola: The moment when the audience joined in and shouted the lyrics together with us.

Fikri Dio Aisy: Mari kita sedikit lebih ringan, saya akan berhenti mengajukan begitu banyak pertanyaan eksistensial. Jika kalian dapat mewawancarai artis atau band favorit kalian, apa yang akan kalian tanyakan kepada mereka?

Sucola: Dreane、The marias

Fikri Dio Aisy: Jangan ragu untuk membagikan apa pun yang menurut kalian layak untuk dibagikan disini. Terima kasih atas waktu kalian! Dan terima kasih karena telah bersedia untuk melakukan wawancara ini.

Sucola: Our next new song is set to be released at the end of July! It’s a summer tune, so please look forward to it!

Seperti biasanya, melakukan sesi wawancara bersama salah satu musisi yang saya kagumi dan cintai karya-karyanya adalah suatu hal yang luar biasa menghadirkan begitu banyak kebahagiaan buat saya pribadi. Oleh karena itu, dari lubuk hati saya yang paling dalam, saya ingin mengucapkan rasa terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Okitsu dan Yopeco.

Terima kasih karena telah bersedia untuk melakukan sesi wawancara ini, terima kasih karena selalu aktif untuk merilis karya-karya terbaru kalian, dan terima kasih karena telah menciptakan berbagai macam tembang keren untuk selalu saya dengarkan dan nikmati.

Menurut saya, KIBI (2024) adalah sebuah EP yang luar biasa keren. Saya pribadi begitu mencintai semua aspek yang ada di dalam EP ini, baik itu dari cover artwork EP, lirik dari setiap tembangnya, hingga aransemen musiknya.

Akhir kata, doa terbaik akan selalu saya haturkan untuk Okitsu dan Yopeco disana. Sukses, bahagia, dan sehat selalu. Semoga cepat atau lambat Sucola dapat melakukan tur di Indonesia. Dan semoga di masa yang akan datang, Sucola dapat melakukan sebuah kolaborasi bersama Dreane. Amin.

Sucola (Instagram):

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